Learn how to use our SDK in PHP to facilitate even further the integration with our Deposits APIs


The Deposits PHP SDK (Software Development Kit) is a software package you can download and add to your existing code facilitating the integration by having pre-defined classes and functions you can call to integrate the Deposits Endpoints.



  • PHP 5.6 or later


Via Composer

Install PHP SDK via Composer
composer require directa24/cashin-php-sdk


Begin by initializing your credentials

Deposit Credentials

$x_login = "fUEhPEKrUt";
$api_key = "lTMZgRTakW";
$secret_key = "wSHTfsMMdNskTppilncuZPEklgLmdUAOg";

$directa24 = Directa24::getInstance($x_login, $api_key, $secret_key);

Make sure you have whitelisted your servers IPs on our Merchant Panel by going to Settings -> API Access.

Click here for more information about the API Keys.

Once the credentials and the IPs have been properly set-up, you are ready to start using the classes the SDK provides. Each Class can be used to execute the functionalities of its respective Deposit Endpoint.

Make sure you take a look at the Deposit Endpoints here to review how the integration of each of them works, the validations and the responses formats.

As soon as you are ready with the integration and you have the production credentials, replace the credentials with the production ones and set the ProductionMode to True to use the production endpoints.

Set Production Mode to True


Check the respective Endpoint Page to see the format of the responses, fields requirements and validations.

Create Deposit

Every time you need to create a deposit, you will need to invoke the CreateDepositRequest Class with all the objects containing the information required to be sent. The amount of information required depends on the flow you have chosen, either the Hosted Checkout Experience or the ONE SHOT Experience.

Hosted Checkout Experience

$create_deposit_request = new CreateDepositRequest();
$create_deposit_request->invoice_id = Helpers::generateRandomString(8);
$create_deposit_request->amount = 100;
$create_deposit_request->country = "BR";
$create_deposit_request->currency = "BRL";
$create_deposit_request->language = "en";

try {
    $response = $directa24->createDeposit($create_deposit_request);

    if ($response->checkout_type === 'HOSTED') {
        $redirect_url = $response->redirect_url;
        header('Location: '. $redirect_url);
    echo json_encode($response);
} catch (Directa24Exception $ex){
    echo $ex;

ONE SHOT Experience

$address = new Address();
$address->street = "Rua Dr. Franco Ribeiro, 52";
$address->city = "Rio Branco";
$address->state = "AC";
$address->zip_code = "11600-234";

$payer = new  Payer();
$payer->id = "4-9934519";
$payer->address = $address;
$payer->document = "72697858059";
$payer->document_type = "CPF";
$payer->email = "";
$payer->first_name = "Ricardo";
$payer->last_name = "Carlos";
$payer->phone = "+598 99730878";

$bank_account = new BankAccount();
$bank_account->bank_code = "01";
$bank_account->account_number = "3242342";
$bank_account->account_type = "SAVING";
$bank_account->beneficiary = "Ricardo Carlos";
$bank_account->branch = "12";

$create_deposit_request = new CreateDepositRequest();
$create_deposit_request->invoice_id = Helpers::generateRandomString(8);
$create_deposit_request->amount = 100;
$create_deposit_request->country = "BR";
$create_deposit_request->currency = "BRL";
$create_deposit_request->language = "en";
$create_deposit_request->payer = $payer;
$create_deposit_request->payment_method = "BB";
$create_deposit_request->bank_account = $bank_account;
$create_deposit_request->early_release = false;
$create_deposit_request->fee_on_payer = false;
$create_deposit_request->surcharge_on_payer = false;
$create_deposit_request->bonus_amount = 0.1;
$create_deposit_request->bonus_relative = false;
$create_deposit_request->strikethrough_price = 0.1;
$create_deposit_request->description = "Test";
$create_deposit_request->client_ip = "";
$create_deposit_request->device_id = "00000000-00000000-01234567-89ABCDEF";
$create_deposit_request->back_url = "";
$create_deposit_request->success_url = "";
$create_deposit_request->error_url = "";
$create_deposit_request->notification_url = "";
$create_deposit_request->test = true;
$create_deposit_request->mobile = false;

try {
    $response = $directa24->createDeposit($create_deposit_request);
    if ($response->checkout_type === 'ONE_SHOT') {
        $payment_info = $response->payment_info;

        if ($payment_info->type === 'CREDIT_CARD') {
            header('Location: ' . $response->redirect_url);

        // Referenced transfer
        if ($payment_info->type === 'BANK_TRANSFER') {
            header('Location: ' . $response->redirect_url);

        // Bank deposit
        if ($payment_info->type === 'BANK_DEPOSIT') {
            echo '<pre>';
            echo '</pre>';

        // Several types of payment methods: Boleto, Picpay, Oxxo
        if ($payment_info->type === 'VOUCHER') {
            $metadata = $payment_info->metada;
            if (isset($metadata->qr_code)) {
                echo '<img src="' . $metadata->qr_code . '"/>';
            } else if (isset($metadata->digital_line) || isset($metadata->barcode)) {
                echo '<pre>';
                echo '</pre>';

} catch (\Directa24Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex;

The amount and the country are the only mandatory fields for a successful request. The rest of the fields needs to be sent depending on the flow you have chosen as those will be collected by us if not sent.

Deposit Status

As soon as the deposit is created and you have received the notification in your notification_url, you will want to retrieve the status of the deposit.

Click here to see the deposits status flow.

$depositId = 300533668;

Make sure you are adding the deposit_id received on your notification_url in the field depositId.

Payment Methods

For the best user experience, we recommend integrating our Payment Methods Endpoint to automatically retrieve the list of payment methods name, logos, types and more that your account has available.

In order to do that, invoke the PaymentMethodRequest Class containing the Country's ISO code of the country you need the payment methods from in the field

 $data = $this->directa24->paymentMethods('BR');
 foreach ($data as $paymentMethodResponse) {

Exchange Rates

If you need to know the Exchange Rate of a given currency, you can do so by invoking ExchangeRateRequest with the Country's ISO code of the origin and the amount you want to convert to USD.

$amount_in_dollars = 100;
$country = 'BR';
$data = $this->directa24->currencyExchange($country, $amount_in_dollars);

Create Refund

In order to create a refund, you need to send the deposit_id, merchant_invoice_id, and the bank_account object (only for non-cc payments, otherwise, it is optional).

$bank_account = new BankAccount();
$bank_account->bank_code = "01";
$bank_account->account_number = "3242342";
$bank_account->account_type = "SAVING";
$bank_account->beneficiary = "Ricardo Carlos";
$bank_account->branch = "12";

$create_refund_request = new CreateRefundRequest();
$create_refund_request->deposit_id = 300533180;
$create_refund_request->invoice_id = 'MP_b451645f30b8415ba833d37f3fa21209';
$create_refund_request->amount = 1;
$create_refund_request->bank_account = $bank_account;
$create_refund_request->comments = 'test';
$create_refund_request->notification_url = "";

$directa24 = Directa24::getInstance("fUEhPEKrUt", "lTMZgRTakW", "wSHTfsMMdNskTppilncuZPEklgLmdUAOg");

try {
    $refund_id = $directa24->refund($create_refund_request);
    echo $refund_id;
} catch (\Directa24Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex;

Refund Status

$refundId = 168250;

Last updated