With User Interface

Learn the technical aspects about our Cards SDK, in order to have the ultimate native checkout experience.

Getting started

This guide introduces the D24 Credit Card SDK, aimed at simplifying credit card processing integration. Follow these steps for a quick setup and start leveraging secure payment processing in your application.

This page is limited to the explanation of how to Install, Instantiate and technically understand the SDK. In order to learn how to create a integrate the Cards SDK in the payment flow, please visit Deposits with Cards SDK.


Load D24 as a npm module

Install the D24.js from the npm public registry.

npm install @d24/sdk


Manually load the D24.js script

Add the D24.js module as a script in the top of your app HTML


How to use


First of all, we must instantiate the SDK.

Keep in mind that the SDK can be instantiated only once, and it is a requirement to be able to use all its methods.

In order to instantiate the SDK we need to specify the public key and the environment.

Retrieving your publicKey

Before instantiating the SDK make sure to retrieve your publicKey. This can be done by: Logging into the Merchant Panel, going into Settings > API Access, under your Read Only Credentials you will find your API Public key.

  • npm

import SDK from '@d24/sdk';

new SDK('as1i2nxal12bvd', { environment: 'stg' });
  • es

new window.D24.SDK('as1i2nxal12bvd', { environment: 'stg' });

How to use the constructor SDK(publicKey, options)

Required parameters

Possible errors


After instantiating the SDK, you will be able to use the CreditCardForm component.



messages[] Object



This callback function will be executed when an error occurs generating token.

function handleTokenErrorCallback(error: string) {


This callback function will be executed when the user clicks on the Go Back button.

function handleGoBackCallback() {
	console.log('Go back');

Deposit Creation

Last updated