Deposit Status Endpoint

Retrieve the status of a previously created deposit

Deposit Status


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the status of a deposit


Request Body

    "result": "9",
    "x_iduser": "4-8639937875866184408",
    "x_invoice": "postmanTest3426757",
    "x_amount": "2400.00",
    "PT": "1",
    "Sign": "1A62410713F99834E44E4F50525DF1C464AF3F4188D0B8EF55CD6F9729810480",
    "x_document": "300571838",
    "x_bank": "RE",
    "x_payment_type": "02",
    "x_bank_name": "Red Pagos",
    "x_currency": "UYU"

All the requests must be in x-www-form-urlencoded format and contain the following header:

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Example Request

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'x_login=API_KEY&x_trans_key=API_PASSPHRASE&x_invoice=74170514&type=json'

Example Response

    "result": "9",
    "x_iduser": "598287267",
    "x_invoice": "MP_96ddb6ab85a347469e326887e6708182",
    "x_amount": "3.00",
    "PT": "0",
    "Sign": "7EA302A09DBE4B22DB47E7FDDA5E3EEF9F098C6792882392B6E4C5A732CA79BE",
    "x_document": "199702505",
    "x_bank": "VI",
    "x_payment_type": "03",
    "x_bank_name": "Visa",
    "x_currency": "USD",
    "x_approval_detail": "Merchant Test",
    "card_number": "410377******2126"

Request fields description

Response fields description

Control signature of the Webpaystatus Response

   $message = $x_login . $result . $x_amount . $x_invoice ;
   $Sign = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256', pack('A*', $message), pack('A*', $secretKey)));

The response control signature includes the following fields:

  • x_login - your DEPOSITS API Key which can be found in the Merchant Panel by going to Settings -> API Access -> Deposit Credentials -> API Key

  • result

  • x_amount

  • x_invoice

  • secretKey - your DEPOSITS Signature Key which can be found in the Merchant Panel by going to Settings -> API Access -> Deposit Credentials -> API Signature

Status Flow

Click here to see each Deposit Status meaning.

Hosted Checkout Status Flow

  1. The DECLINED status is not a status by itself. It means the transaction couldn't be created because of an error with the data, the customer or the merchant configuration. No transaction will change its status from DECLINED.

  2. COMPLETED and CANCELLED* are final status.

  3. *There are cases in which the users pays after the deposit expired, or payed an incorrect amount and the deposit gets expired. When that happens manual intervention is required to approve the deposit hence a deposit could change its status from CANCELLED to COMPLETED.

  4. If the user doesn't pays, the transaction will expire and be marked as CANCELLED.

  5. No transaction will change from COMPLETED to CANCELLED.

Status codes

Check all the possible status in the following page:

Last updated