Deposit Creation Endpoint

Learn how to generate deposits by using the Streamline API

Streamline Deposit Creation


The New Invoice API creates a new Deposit transaction and returns a URL to redirect the customer to his preferred payment method's page, where the payment can be confirmed.


Request Body

  "status": "0",
  "link": "[Link to redirect the customer]"

All the requests must be in x-www-form-urlencoded format and contain the following header:

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Example Request

curl -X POST \ \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    -d 'x_login=API_Key&x_trans_key=API_Passphrase&x_invoice=74170514&x_amount=10&x_iduser=userId123&x_bank=CA&x_cpf=63017363201&'

Example Response

    "status": "0",
    "link": "[Link to redirect the customer]"

Mandatory fields description

Optional fields description

Control String for Deposits

Example: Control String for New Invoice API

   $apiSignature = 'your_deposits_API_Signature';
   $message = $x_invoice .'V' . $x_amount .'I' . $x_iduser .'2' . $x_bank .'1' . $x_cpf .'H' . $x_bdate .'G' . $x_email .'Y' . $x_zip .'A' . $x_address .'P' . $x_city .'S' . $x_state . 'P';
   $control = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256', pack('A*', $message), pack('A*', $apiSignature)));

The x_control field is a mandatory field used to ensure request integrity. It should be created using HMAC-SHA-256 (RFC 2104) encoding and must include ONLY the following fields:

  • x_invoice

  • x_amount

  • x_iduser

  • x_bank

  • x_cpf

  • x_bdate

  • x_email

  • x_zip

  • x_address

  • x_city

  • x_state

  • secretKey - your DEPOSITS API Signature which can be found on the Merchant Panel by going to Settings -> API Access -> Deposit Credentials -> API Signature

The Control String for deposits must be in Upper Case and must include all the above mentioned fields even if any of those are empty. Each field has to be converted to UTF-8 before actually hashing it to prevent Invalid Control Hash error when sending characters with different encodings. Please check the examples above in the different languages on how to properly calculate the Control String.

Return URL

Once the customer finishes his deposit, he will be redirected back to your site using the return URL (x_return parameter) specified as part of the New Invoice request OR the one registered in your panel settings (Settings -> API Access). We only accept HTTPS URLs. The redirect is made using POST protocol with the following parameters:

Never update the status of a payment by using the result sent along with the Return URL. This shows where in the payment flow the user left the payment page. Always expect the notification/check the deposit status to update the status of a payment.

Control String for Return URL

Example: Return Redirection - control signature

   $apiSignature = 'your_deposits_API_Signature';
   $message = $x_login . $result . $x_amount . $x_invoice ;
   $control = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256', pack('A*', $message), pack('A*', $apiSignature)));

The return URL control signature includes the following fields:

  • x_login - your D24 DEPOSITS API login which can be found on the Merchant Panel by going to Settings -> API Access -> Deposit Credentials -> API Key

  • result

  • x_amount

  • x_invoice

  • secretKey - your D24 DEPOSITS API Signature which can be found on the Merchant Panel by going to Settings -> API Access -> Deposit Credentials -> API Signature

Confirmation URL

A notification will be sent to your confirmation URL every time the deposit changes its status by using the x_confirmation parameter specified as part of the New Invoice request or the one registered in your Merchant Panel settings (Settings -> API Access). It is made using POST protocol with the following parameters:

In the STG environment, you can force a notification to be sent to your x_confirmation URL from the STG Merchant Panel by going to the Deposits Details page and clicking on one of the options that will appear when clicking in the three dots button on the top right of the screen. Those options will change the status of the deposit therefore sending the respective notification after a few minutes.

Control String for Confirmation URL

Example: Confirmation Url - control signature

   $apiSignature = 'your_deposits_API_Signature';
   $message = $x_login . $result . $x_amount . $x_invoice ;
   $control = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256', pack('A*', $message), pack('A*', $apiSignature)));

The confirmation URL control signature includes the following fields:

  • x_login - your DEPOSITS API Key which can be found on the Merchant Panel by going to Settings -> API Access -> Deposit Credentials -> API Key

  • result

  • x_amount

  • x_invoice

  • secretKey - your DEPOSITS API Signature which can be found on the Merchant Panel by going to Settings -> API Access -> Deposit Credentials -> API Signature

In some cases may occur that you will receive a Cancelled notification for a transaction and following a Completed notification for the same transaction. This happens if we were unable to automatically detect the Deposit (because the user paid a different amount or after it got expired) and the transaction reached its expiration time. Once our team manually approves it, we change the status from Cancelled to Completed.

Both the Return URL and the Confirmation URL can be defined by default in your panel (Settings -> API Access). These parameters can be over-ridden at any time using the x_return and x_confirmation parameters (however, these new urls are only active for that particular invoice, following invoice will use the default URLs previously configured if not sent again).


It is possible to display an iframe on your website instead of redirecting your customer with an external window.

In order to do this, you need to insert an <iframe> tag on your website. In the src attribute you must set the link: [link to redirect the user] parameter from success response and append the following GET parameter "iframe_view=1" to the link as shown below:

<iframe src="[link to redirect the user]&iframe_view=1"> </iframe>

Some Payment Methods may not be available within an iframe due to processor´s security requirements. Check here the available ones.

Last updated