Deposit Creation Endpoint

Hybrid Deposit Creation


The Hybrid API creates a URL to redirect the customers to our Hosted Checkout where they need to fill in the required details before proceeding with the payment


Request Body

    "status": "OK",
    "link": ""

All the requests must be in x-www-form-urlencoded format and contain the following header:

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Example Request

curl -X POST \ \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    -d 'x_login=DEPOSITS_API_KEY&x_trans_key=DEPOSITS_X_PASSPHRASE&x_invoice=ID12345&x_amount=100&x_iduser=123456&x_country=BR&control=18F7889C2D4D9E9A21ABF2EBB4038322D60028DE949FB2DA2A4BB91AFB67D5CF&type=json'

Request fields description

Optional fields

When you use the Hybrid API, you can opt for sending only the mandatory fields. However, when the customers gets into our Hosted Checkout, we will ask them to input the missing information. If you send the x_cpf, x_name, and x_email fields, the information will be automatically populated onto the Checkout page and therefore, the customers wont have to manually insert it nor will be able to modify it. This is extremely useful when you already have that details on your database.

Your logo (x_logo) can be defined by default in the Merchant Panel by submitting one into Settings -> Company -> "Merchant Payment Page Logo". Otherwise, you can replace it on each request by sending a URL with your logo in the field x_logo.

Both the Return URL (x_return) and the Confirmation URL (x_confirm) are defined by default in your Merchant Panel by going to Settings -> API Access. These parameters can be over-ridden at any time using the x_return and x_confirm parameters in the deposit request.

Control String for the Hybrid API requests

   $apiSignature = 'your_deposits_api_signature';
   $message = $x_invoice .'D' . $x_amount .'P' . $x_iduser .'A';

   $control = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256', pack('A*', $message), pack('A*', $apiSignature)));

The Control field is a mandatory field used to ensure request integrity. It should be created using HMAC-SHA-256 (RFC 2104) encoding and must include ONLY the following fields:

  • x_invoice

  • x_amount

  • x_iduser

  • secretKey - your D24 DEPOSITS API Signature, found on the Merchant Panel by going to Settings -> API Access -> Deposit Credentials -> API Signature

The Control String for the Hybrid API must be in Upper Case and must include all the above mentioned fields. Each field should be converted to UTF-8 before actually hashing it to prevent Invalid Control Hash error when sending characters with different encodings. Please check the Examples in the different languages on how to properly calculate the Control String.

Example Response

    "status": "OK",
    "link": ""

Check Status

Once you redirect your customers to our Hosted Checkout page, they will complete all the details and click on Confirm details. If everything is OK, the transaction will remain in Pending status until we detect the customers payment. Once detected, the transaction will be changed to Completed state or if the user never pays it will expire and be updated to Cancelled state.

As soon as the user comes back to your Return URL, a POST request will come along with it with the details of the request as shown in the code snippet "Example: POST to the Return URL" below.

Example: POST to the Return URL
    "x_document": "94581245",
    "x_invoice": "test8385",
    "x_iduser": "1342133413",
    "x_description": "",
    "x_amount": "100.00",
    "x_amount_usd": "100.00",
    "result": "7",
    "x_parent_invoice": "",
    "x_control": "225A6B7EC24E049E9A7D8EE622F7F08ED6B4551A1A6E99CE231759D8694FAC99"

Control String for the POST to the Return URL

    $api_key = 'your_deposits_api_key';
    $x_result = 'notification_x_result';
    $x_amount = 'notification_x_amount';
    $x_invoice = 'notification_x_invoice';
    $api_signature = 'your_deposits_api_signature';

    $message = $x_login . $x_result . $x_amount . $x_invoice;
    $control = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256', pack('A*', $message), pack('A*', $api_signature)));

The x_control field we sent in the notification, is used to ensure request integrity. It should be created using HMAC-SHA-256 (RFC 2104) encoding and must include ONLY the following fields:

  • x_login - your D24 DEPOSITS API Key, found on the Merchant Panel by going to Settings API Access -> Deposit Credentials -> API Key

  • x_result

  • x_amount

  • x_invoice

  • secretKey - your D24 DEPOSITS API Signature, found on the Merchant Panel by going to Settings -> API Access -> Deposit Credentials -> API Signature

The Control String for the POST of the Return URL Hybrid API must be in Upper Case and must include all the above mentioned fields. Each field should be converted to UTF-8 before actually hashing it to prevent Invalid Control Hash error when sending characters with different encodings. Please check the Examples in the different languages on how to properly calculate the Control String.

Webpaystatus API

Example: webpaystatus API´s response in Pending status

    "result": "7",
    "x_iduser": "123456",
    "x_invoice": "test9417",
    "x_amount": "100.00",
    "PT": "0",
    "Sign": "EB2619F51E2730F59E742E6DC2AE692FE98B7141A0578259A0B5C5E74159AFD3",
    "x_document": "192170814",
    "x_bank": "MC",
    "x_payment_type": "03",
    "x_bank_name": "Mastercard",
    "x_currency": "USD"

If the user fails to be redirected to your return_url, you wont be notified about the transaction in Pending state until it changes to either "Completed" or "Cancelled". Therefore, after some minutes (recommended 5 minutes) of the requests being created, you can opt to use the Deposit Status API to check whether the transaction was created and left Pending on our end. That would happen only if the customer finished the flow on the Hosted Checkout page and was redirected to the Payment Method page to deposit.

If the transaction was created, when you check its status with the Deposit Status API, you will receive a response with "result": "7" along with other details about the transaction. Result 7 means "Transaction Pending, awaiting customer's deposit". If the transaction was never created, be it because the user inserted incorrect data or they have never completed the flow, when you use the Deposit Status API you will receive a response with "result": "6" meaning "Transaction not found on the system". Feel free to check its status again after some more time in case the user is delayed.

Click here for all the results code meanings.


Transaction completed

Notification example: Transaction completed
    "result": "9",
    "x_currency": "USD",
    "x_amount": "100.00",
    "x_description": "",
    "x_iduser": "1342133413",
    "x_bank_name": "Banco%20do%20Brasil",
    "x_document": "94580928",
    "x_bank": "BB",
    "x_payment_type": "00",
    "x_amount_usd": "100.00",
    "x_control": "85D9DF316186318C327F0C10D3926138FF6327D25B8601AEFC5156484BB417BB",
    "x_invoice": "test9349"

Transaction expired

Notification example: Transaction expired
    "result": "8",
    "x_currency": "USD",
    "x_amount": "100.00",
    "x_description": "",
    "x_iduser": "1342133413",
    "x_bank_name": "Banco%20do%20Brasil",
    "x_document": "94580929",
    "x_bank": "BB",
    "x_payment_type": "00",
    "x_amount_usd": "100.00",
    "x_control": "C267884F0B0BF30224AF2BF1321E387034D1AA08F890A3BF576922EE2A70B3A2",
    "x_invoice": "test6337"

If the transaction was successfully created, you will receive a notification in the URL specified in the x_confirm field every time it changes its status. result 9 in case the payment was completed. At that moment, you can release the funds to the customer in your website as the payment has been detected and the funds are now in your account. A result 8 in case the payment wasn't completed before it reached its expiration time.

Click here for all the result codes meanings.

Last updated