Javascript Library

Learn how to build and personalize your own custom cashiers by using our library in Javascript


We have created a library in Javascript that you can use to build your very own cashier directly into your site, giving you all the control just as if it would have been created by you.

The library's fonts and styles can be completely customizable according to your own website UI/UX, and we will take care of rendering the necessary payment methods and required fields for each payment method.

Once all the payments details have been collected, a POST will be made to your server with the details you can use then to create the deposit request using our Deposits API.

In just a few steps, you will be able to start collecting payments through us by using our Javascript Library.

See first-hand the following example of a cashier created using the directa24.js library

Getting started

Follow the below steps to get the library working on your site:

  1. Include the directa24.js library

  2. Prepare the directa24 object with your API Key

  3. Include all the required values such as amount and country and the optional values such as currency, language, payer data and CSS/Javascript styles object

  4. Initialize the directa24.js library to render the cashier on your site and allow the customer to complete the payment flow

  5. Submit the form info collected to your server and send the payment request to our Deposits API


Before getting started, please consider the following requirements:

  1. Your site must have HTTPS implemented in order for the library to work properly.

  2. You will need to have a server listening to a POST (over HTTPS as well) with the payment data in order for you to send the request through our Deposits API.

  3. You will need to register with us to get an API Key to authenticate yourself.

1. Including directa24.js

The first step is to include the Javascript Library onto your index.html file.

In order to do so, please add the following <script> tag to the HTML Header:

    <script src=""></script>

Note the Library must always be loaded directly from :

For testing purposes you can use:

While adding or modifying features to the directa24.js library, please keep the browser's console open to see any error/message it can throw.

The API Keys between Production and STG environments are different.

2. Preparing the directa24 object

Now that you have included the directa24.js library, a new object called directa24 is created on the window.

The second step is to prepare your API Key and all the parameters that will be sent before rendering the form to the customer. To do so, instantiate the library as follows:

let directa24Lib = directa24('EKiFOWiHnI', params);

The API Key can be retrieved from our Merchant Panel by going to Settings -> API Access -> Web Status Credentials -> API Key.

3. Including required parameters

Create an object named params with all the required and optional fields you want to send as follows:

const params = {
    country: 'BR',
    amount: 100,
    currency: 'USD',
    lang: 'PT',
    url: '',
    payerData: {
        payerFirstName: 'FirstName',
        payerLastName: 'LastName',
        payerEmail: ''
    disableInputDefaultValue: true

Mandatory Parameters

Parameter name






string (length: 2)

Country code of the deposit in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code format


decimal (max decimals: 2)

Deposit amount in the currency specified

> 0


string (length: 3)

Currency code of the amount in ISO 4217 format. Must be USD or the country's local currency

See currency codes. Upper case


string (length: 2)

Language in which the deposit page will be rendered


Spanish, English or Portuguese: [ES, EN, PT]


string (max length: 2048)

Valid URL over HTTPS. It will be used to POST the form data collected to your server so you can send the payment request through our Deposits API.


Optional Parameters

Parameter name







Allow or disallow the customers to modify the parameters you send in the object payerData


[true, false]



Override the default CSS styles with your own CSS/JavaScript Object


string (max length: 128)

Customer's first name

String of up to 128 characters


string (max length: 128)

Customer's last_name

String of up to 128 characters


string (max length: 255)

Customer's document ID. Ensure it is correct and the user can't change it every time he/she deposits

Valid email address


string (max length: 10)

Customer's document type


string (max length: 30)


string (max length: 32)

Valid customer's phone number


string (max length: 255)

Customer's address

String of up to 255 characters


string (max length: 128)

Customer's city

String of up to 128 characters


string (max length: 3)

Customer's state in ISO 3166-2 code format

Valid state code in ISO 3166-2


string (max length: 16)

Customer's zip code

Even though those parameters are optional, we recommend you sending all the optional parameters you have already stored on your DB to avoid asking the customer for the same details multiple times.

The object STYLES

The object styles allows you to override the default styles of the library. It has to be a CSS/Javascript object.

To know more about CSS into a Javascript object, we recommend reading the following pages:

To transform a CSS file to a Javascript Object, you may use the following tool:

Apart from the CSS properties you can specify, you can also modify other components of the library by directly specifying the name of the property inside the object style as described in the following sections.


To overwrite the font used by the library, you can specify the property font inside the object styles.

const params ={

Inside the font object you can modify any attribute, such as the color, weight, etc.


The library is inside a <div> with the class container , you can modify or add styles to the div by adding the property container inside the object styles.

const params ={

Inside the container object you can modify any other attribute.


In order to modify the style of the spinner loader that is shown when the form page is loading, you need to add the property spinner inside the object styles.

const params ={

Inside the spinner object you can modify any other attribute.


The library has two different buttons: "Continue" shown when choosing a payment method and to confirm the transaction and "Go Back", used to go the Payment Methods page again.

In order to modify the "Continue" button, you need to add the property continueBtn inside the object styles and to modify the "Go Back" button use the property backBtn.

const params ={
         "border":"1px solid red"

Inside the buttons properties object you can modify any other attribute.

Grid View

The library has different properties you can use to modify the style of the Payment Methods Grid View:

  • gridItemBox allows to customize the container of each payment method

  • gridItemCheckIcon allows to customize how the payment method looks like when it was selected by the customer

  • gtidItemLabel allows to customize the label of each payment method

const params ={

Inside the grids objects you can modify any other attribute.


The library has two titles you can personalize:

  • stepsItems allows to change the style of all the titles

  • stepsItemsActive allows to change the style of the active title

const params ={


In order to modify the input forms, you have the following properties available:

  • inputContainer

  • inputText

  • inputErrorLabel

  • inputErrorIcon

const params ={


If you want to modify the selects that will be used to render the form and the select of the payment method you can modify the following properties:

  • inputSelect

  • inputSelectOption

const params ={


4. Initialize directa24.js

As soon as you have all the required parameters, we will invoke the init function to create and render the payment page.

    const params = {
        amount: 100,
        currency: 'USD',
        lang: 'PT',
        payerData: {
            payerFirstName: 'FirstName',
            payerLastName: 'LastName',
            payerEmail: ''
        url: '',
        country: 'BR',
        disableInputDefaultValue: true
    let directa24Lib = directa24('EKiFOWiHnI', params);
    window.onload =  directa24Lib.init(document.getElementById('main'), 'grid', 'BL', true);

The init function is composed by the following parameters:

public init(
   formId: HTMLElement,
   displayType: FIELD_TYPE,
   paymentMethod?: string,
   loadPaymentForm?: boolean

Parameters description


Name of the HTML element where the library directa24.js has to render the payment page.


It specifies how the payment methods will be shown. It can either be in COMBO format or in GRID format. If an invalid value is sent, it defaults to GRID.

export enum FIELD_TYPE {
 COMBO = 'combo',
 GRID = 'grid',


The library allows you to specify the Payment Method. That way we won't ask the customer for the Payment Method again.

If the payment method is sent and it is invalid or you don't have it enabled, we will show the customer all the payment methods so they can choose one.

You can use the Payment Methods API to determine which payment methods you have enabled. Also check the Payment Methods section for the codes, logos and more.


The loadPaymentForm parameter, is an optional and boolean value [true, false] that specifies whether the payment method specified can or can't be changed by the customer.

If true, the user will be redirected straight to the page to complete the payment details. If false, the customer will be prompted to select a payment method, with the payment method specified pre-selected by default.

It not sent or an invalid value is sent, we will default to false.

5. Send the payment info to your server

Once the user has successfully went through the "payment method" selection page and the "Details" page and clicks on "Confirm", we will send to the url specified as part of the cashier invokation a POST in form-data with the details collected.

You will need to use those details to create a deposit request by using our Deposits API to create the payment link.

Working Code Example

Find below a working code example:

Directa24 GIT Repository - Example cashier with the Javascript library

As you can see, the directa24.js file is loaded directly from the header of the HTML file, the script tag contains the request to the library, and the payment form is rendered inside the <div> with id 'main'.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

	<title>Directa24 Payment Form</title>
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        * {
            margin: 0px; 
            padding: 0px; 

        body, html {
            height: 100%;

          width: 90%;
          margin-top: 25px;

        .contact1 {
          width: 100%;
          min-height: 100%;
          text-align: center;
          background: #f1f2f7;

          display: -webkit-box;
          display: -webkit-flex;
          display: -moz-box;
          display: -ms-flexbox;
          display: flex;
          flex-direction: column;
          align-items: center;
    <link rel='shortcut icon' type='image/x-icon' href=''/>
	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
	<script src=""></script>

	<div class="contact1">
		<div style="width: 100%">
		  <img src="" style="max-width: 200px;max-height: 100px;">
        <div id='main'></div>
            const params = {
                amount: 100,
                currency: 'USD',
                lang: 'PT',
                payerData: {
                    payerFirstName: 'FirstName',
                    payerLastName: 'LastName',
                    payerEmail: ''
                url: '',
                country: 'BR',
                disableInputDefaultValue: true
            let directa24Lib = directa24('EKiFOWiHnI', params);
            window.onload =  directa24Lib.init(document.getElementById('main'), 'grid');


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